Introducing our Board: Alyson Bullock
Alyson joined the Napier Family Centre Board in late 2023, bringing valuable experience and expertise in the community and health sectors.
“I have lived in Napier since 1961 when I attended Hukarere Girls College in Napier. I left school in 1965 and began my working life as an ANZ bank cadet.
“I married David Bullock and we set up house in Maraenui where we lived 30 years. David passed away 7 years ago. We have three children and all still live in Napier/Whakatu so I have ready access to our seven grandchildren and one great grandson. When my youngest child started school, I went back into part time work as the local St Augustine’s church secretary and moved into many jobs after that.
“Community development work has been my main occupation and I have worked with community organisations during the last 30 or so years. My experience covers a range from the Maraenui Community Trust, Internal Affairs COGS funding, Napier City Council Community Development department, Paerangi Māori Boarding School project, Hastings District Council CARV project (Curbing Alcohol Related Violence), and Hawke’s Bay District Health Board Public Health programmes, mainly in alcohol, tobacco and vaping compliance.
“After 10 years with the HBDHB I retired in2021. Like many others, life is just as busy with volunteer work. I support Hukarere Girls College, I chair the Takitimu District Māori Council, am a member of my local Papauma Māori and Marae committees and am a member of Ki Uta Ki Tai Fisheries forum.
“When asked to join the Napier Family Centre committee last year I asked for the support of Te Pou Herenga Waka o te Whakapono, the Māori Mission church in Latham Street where I am a parishioner. With their support I have been happy to represent a portion of the Napier Māori community.
“I look forward to supporting the work of Napier Family Centre as it is a provides services to whānau/families at a crucial developmental time. I have found the staff are skilled and friendly and work hard in their various services.
Mauri ora
Alyson Bullock
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