In more ways than one , its more than just a garden…..

In more ways than one , its more than just a garden…..

neighbours day

Last weekend, was NZ Neighbours Day, Aotearoa.  Two days for New Zealand, to embrace the Communities they are part of, and share some time with their fellow neighbours. Sounds easy, but in reality, not so.  With Families leading busy lives, there is often limited time spent at home. The days of the children playing down the road at the Neighbours, is not as often heard, as was the way of life, in my days, growing up.

A few weeks back, I read about feuding neighbours,and how lack of connection, or not knowing  each other, can result in mis communication, over the smallest of things.

Neighbours from different walks of life, Families, retirees , couples, single parents, young adults, people living alone, all make up our Communities, and getting to know and respect each other, is an important part of living together in a Community.

At the Napier Family Centre, we have been working on a Community Garden for the last three months. We used NZ Neighbours Day to plant some trees, and share a few hours with our Neighbours, and our team. It was a great morning, the weather was superb, and it really was a celebration of being part of a community, and getting to know each other , through conversation, laughter, and importantly, respect for each other.

Our Garden is a work in progress. But it is slowly taking shape and developing into something for those in the community to be part of, and enjoy. It is a tool to embrace .

With it will come friendships, conversation and connection. As it grows, and is nurtured, it will give back to the Community with fruit, berries, and shade. Its Exciting, to participate and be part of something so simple, yet so rewarding.

In more ways than one , its more than just a garden…..

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